The Ministry of Education and Culture issued a policy in the development of the Independent Curriculum Impelentasi (IKM). One of the strategi that can be used to support IKM is creative and entrepreneurial projects (PKK) by e-commerce Marketplace. E-commerce is a process of buying and selling products electronically. Marketplace is one of the models of e-commerce. Based on interviews with several PKK teacher’s in Banten, implementation of the PKK that has been carried out is only handicraft or culinary whose marketing is only up to bazaars and social media. PKK is oriented to students as a provision of self-ability to enter the workforce or entrepreneurship after graduated. Eventhough the implentation of the PKK by marketplace is very possible for students when school already have income. This study is expected to be students can use Smartphone for entrepreneurship, an alternative of PKK impelentation options on the independent curriculum, consideration materials for performing other steps in the development of student entrepreneurship and Empower MSMEs. This research method is a Project Based Learning Approach. Learning syntax are: Project planning, project implementation, project completion/reflection, and evaluation. The implementation of the PKK by marketplace is not difficult. The advice for the development of PKK implementation by marketplace are: 1. because the output is students can already generate income from online stores, then this PKK must be implemented since class XI. 2. It is necessary to hold training for entrepreneurship teachers how to sell in Marketplace. 3. Need assistance from businessman who are involved in online business